So I feel like this is something everyone should do at some point, whether it would be for work or pleasure, just do it! Going travelling alone isn't something that has ever really phased me as I feel like in that sense, I have always been a bit of a free spirit and pretty independent. I think it stemmed from when I had just turned 16 and I approached my mum with the proposition that I had been offered a Fashion Internship at a magazine in London and asked if I could go live there on my own for a few weeks. I mean at the time she was kinda horrified initially but she supported me completely and just let me go do it.
Since then I have been on various little adventures on my own and done my own thing, which I enjoy, because I like my own company. Last summer I had made the decision to book a trip on my own to Vienna in the December. I was going through a bit of a tough time and I thought you know what, this is just what I need - time to be selfish and just go explore.
When I tell people I went abroad on my own, some people think I'm crazy or find it silly. I always get asked 'why would you want to go on your own?' 'what do you do?' 'don't you get bored?' and in all honesty they're great questions because when you're out there you're totally on your own, but you just have to trust your instincts and be smart in the decisions you make. For example, when it got to the evening I tried to make sure I was back at my hotel and always be surrounded by people. Oh and back to the boredom thing, no I never got bored actually. I kinda just did everything I would have done with company but the difference is, I did it at my own pace and at my leisure. Sure, it's great to have a travel companion and I love going places with others too, but I think travelling solo is something everyone should have the opportunity to experience at some point in their lives. Although I decided to go on probably not the best terms, I think it has made me a much stronger person and given me more confidence because you're outside your comfort zone and if you get lost, you have no option but to ask people for help!
I really found the whole experience of travelling my own really empowering. It's a great feeling knowing you have these sacred memories which nobody else can really relate to or share with you but you can hold close to you. To me, there is no better feeling than hopping on a plane, knowing that you're gonna come back home with a tonne of memories!
I loved going travelling on my own, so much so that I am already planning another little trip on my own!
Have you travelled on your own before? How did you find it?

Since then I have been on various little adventures on my own and done my own thing, which I enjoy, because I like my own company. Last summer I had made the decision to book a trip on my own to Vienna in the December. I was going through a bit of a tough time and I thought you know what, this is just what I need - time to be selfish and just go explore.
I really found the whole experience of travelling my own really empowering. It's a great feeling knowing you have these sacred memories which nobody else can really relate to or share with you but you can hold close to you. To me, there is no better feeling than hopping on a plane, knowing that you're gonna come back home with a tonne of memories!
I loved going travelling on my own, so much so that I am already planning another little trip on my own!
Have you travelled on your own before? How did you find it?
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