
Monday, 7 September 2015

A Little Catch Up & New Beginnings

Morning guys,

So it's been a while! August has been a pretty busy month for me in many ways. It has been a month of celebrations, socializing and catch ups. Aside from the partying, it has also been a pretty productive month as well, when I think about it. Anyways,  I feel like it's been a while since I had a catch up with you all & a lot has happened in the past few months which I'm sure you may have gathered. So thought it would be nice to give you a quick update on what I've been up to this past month or so. Here it goes...

  • I swapped gyms and fell in love with exercise for the first time in my life. I've been going to around 3-4 classes a week. Spinning is my favorite at the moment though. 
  • I got my self a second job to put aside some extra money for my travel funds, plus it keeps me busy!
  • I finally got round to booking my trip to New York in January for my 21st birthday with my sister which I am pretty excited about! 
  • I finished watching Pretty Little Liars and now my life is officially over (hence the new job) 
  • I booked a trip to Vienna in December all on my own!
As boring as it seems that's pretty much all I have to tell you at the moment. Whilst I have enjoyed the partying aspect of August and although I'm working hard in the gym, I feel it has been an indulgent month. So this month and hopefully starting as I mean to go on, I will be focusing my energy on clean eating, stepping up the exercise, not drinking any alcohol and making sure I'm getting enough sleep, God how boring does that make me sound?! Anyway though, hopefully due to my social schedule calming down a little I am hoping I will have more time to dedicate to these parts and kick start posting a little more regularly again! Without going into detail I've had a rough few months and I hope you guys will appreciate that as much as I've wanted to blog, 1. I haven't had time and 2. I haven't felt inspired and I would rather not blog at all than post content that isn't really worthy of being up! So bare with me and hopefully I will be uploading content more regularly again! 

"There will be a time when you look back and be thankful that certain people, opportunities and thing were removed from your life because would never have found yourself had you not lost them. Sometimes we get so caught up worrying about what we lost rather than realizing what we are gaining in its absence."

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