
Thursday, 26 February 2015

The Big Book Haul #2

Morning guys! So first and foremost I would like to say I'm sorry for being a little absent the past couple of weeks but I've just been busy to be honest and unfortunately had no posts scheduled to compensate for that. However I'm back today with a huge book haul! The last one I did (you can read here) was pretty successful and I've since had requests for another so here it is...

Sharp Objects
Written by the woman who brought us the incredible 'Gone Girl', Sharp Objects was Flynn's debut novel. Ever since being hooked on Gone Girl I thought I'd give another of Gillian Flynn's novels a go. Sharp Objects has a very dark story line and wasn't at all what I'd expected but in a good way. I wasn't absolutely hooked on this book like I was with Gone Girl where I think I didn't anything except some crackers for like 3 days straight. However I read this book in my spare moments throughout the end of January and start of February. I read it pretty much every day in lunch hour at work and picked it up occasionally in the evening. I would really recommend it. If you enjoyed Gone Girl you will definitely enjoy this. Like I say though, the story line is a dark one, it's very messed up but very interesting. I don't want to give you a whole synopsis because I don't want to ruin the book for you.

Blender Girl
Oh my. After ordering this book I was praying for the day that it would land on my door step and when it did I let out a little squeak of celebration. Since turning Vegetarian and mostly  Vegan where possible I have discovered a new found love for food but not even junk food - healthy wholesome food. This book covers everything from Juicing, Smoothies, Fuss Free Lunches, Meal prep etc and the best thing about it? Everything is Vegan! This is pretty much my new food and lifestyle bible which I know will be continuously dusted off to give me more inspiration.

Pretty Honest
Pretty Honest by Sali Hughes is the no nonsense, straight talking beauty book that covers literally everything you can think of beauty based from what products to use for your skin combination to who you should be watching on Youtube. It's a fairly expensive book but worth the investment in my eye. Not only does it have a super aesthetically pleasing cover but it also has great content.

The World According To Karl
A little comical book of anecdotes from the legendary director of Chanel - Karl Lagerfield. I find this book so humorous and interesting, so much so in fact that I actually pick this book up fairly regularly whether it be to make me laugh or give me some inspiration. Karl Lagerfield is one of the most influential people in the fashion industry so any words of wisdom he can give me - I'm all ears. This is one of them books for the Coffee Table.

My boyfriend bought me this lovely little book for Christmas and it is most certainly the perfect gift for me. It's a book all about different types of dog breeds accompanied with dainty illustrations  and funny factual anecdotes. A great book to have a flick through and have a giggle about!

It's Not How Good You Are It's How Good You Want To Be
A bit of a long-winded title but a little gem of a book in my opinion. I was first introduced to this book by my old boss who had an array of inspirational books scattered across a shelf in the office. He suggested I take it with me and have a flick through it on the flight. It's only a very short book. In fact it probably took me about 15 minutes to read the whole thing. However it's a super inspiring and it really gets you fired up to better yourself and become the best version of you. It's something anyone could read and take away something positive from it. I loved it that much that I actually purchased a copy my self on Amazon. So in moments of despair I pick up this little book and it reminds me that I'm not all that bad!

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