
Thursday, 18 December 2014

#ThrowbackThursday - Hair Throwbacks

Hey guys and welcome to Blogmas Day 18.

In honour of #ThrowbackThursday I thought I would share with you all the many hair mishaps and experiments I've had over the years.  It's fair to say that I am 'that weirdo with 5 colours in her hair' - cringey Mcfly lyrics aside, I am guilty of being partial to going a little wild with colouring my hair in the past, whether I'm reaching for a box dye bleach, applying a Directions pot or requesting my hair stylist to just do 'whatever' with my hair.

I've always enjoyed experimenting with my hair and have never been one of those who is worried if my hair goes wrong. I've been known to just slap on random colours and hope for the best. At the end of the day it's only hair and the majority of the bright colours I've reached for in the past are the ones that fade pretty quickly anyway, meaning that it's never long before my natural locks are back. I've never dyed my hair too bright, when I say this I mean that the majority of the hair colours I've gone for are pastel or just your usual hair colours i.e. blonde, brown. Anyways I will let the pictures do the talking and apologies in advance for any offence I may cause with both the photo quality (The pictures have been dug straight out my Facebook albums) and also for my horrendous brows in some of the pictures, oops....

What's the craziest hair do you've ever had?

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